Parents should instruct their ward to obey all the rules and regulations of the College, Hostels and Hospitals as existing from time to time.
The wards should be told not to cause any damage to any of the properties belonging to the College, Hostel or Hospital. In view of preserving national resources kindly instruct your ward to prevent wastage of electricity and water. They should not dirty the campus/ hostels/class rooms or any other premises/building.
The students should be instructed to attend all the tests and assignments without fail and to follow the timings strictly in the College and Hostel. Kindly instruct your ward to be always well dressed, neat and tidy.
Instruct your ward to attend all the classes regularly and that unless they acquire 80% attendance in the lectures, practical's and clinical, separately they shall not be eligible to appear for the University examination.
A student who remains absent from class with prior permission will lose one attendance for that class. Fine will be imposed for absence without permission as per the rules framed from time to time. Parents of those students who remain absent for three or more classes will be required to give explanation and pay necessary fine.
The parents/guardians should attend the 'Parent-Teacher-Students' Meetings as and when called for by the respective Principals.
The parents/guardians are always welcome to meet the Principal or communicate with the Principal for any information regarding their wards.
The parents/guardians shall make it a point to verify whether their wards are paying the college fees, hostel fees, etc. in proper time. Fees paid after the last date shall incur penalty as decided by the University.
Students will be sanctioned leave only during college holidays and in emergencies. No leave shall be permitted for any functions, marriages, etc., as this is a professional college and frequent leave will upset the teaching schedule and the academic performance.
Over staying more than the sanctioned leave period will be dealt with strictly and students should report with parents while rejoining without fail. Keeping the students an extra day at home and giving them leave letters will not be permitted.
The parents/guardians shall strictly instruct their wards to go home for the holidays only after the last class of the day is over.
Absence from hostel and leave without permission will attract immediate disciplinary action.
Student can visit his/her local guardian at the week end once in a month. Also those students, whose parents are staying nearby, are permitted to go home at the week end once in a month. This should be followed strictly. In case they notice any ragging he/she should report the same to the Principal immediately without fail.
Any type of ragging is strictly prohibited and punishable under law. In case of any such incident an F.I.R. will be filed immediately with the police authorities.
The students are not permitted to use two wheelers/four wheelers or pillion riding etc., either in the campus or outside.
Outsiders/Parents shall not be permitted in the hostel after 6.00 p.m. Guests/Parents are permitted only up to the Visitors room in the hostels.
It is compulsory that all the students shall stay in the Hostel. Students whose parents are staying locally can be permitted to stay with their parents provided the parents meet the concerned Principal and the Principal is satisfied with the bonafides of the request.
The parents of the concerned students shall declare the local guardian and the local guardian who is nominated shall give an undertaking to this effect.
A person can be local guardian for only one student in normal cases. However, for brothers/sisters a single person can be the local guardian. A student of another College cannot be a local guardian.
Prior permission of the concerned Principal for using Mobile phones shall be taken. Mobile phones with camera will not be allowed. The Mobile set should be shown to the Campus Officer before getting the permission. If for any violation of rules the Mobile is seized, it will not be returned.
The parents are advised not to own or have rented accommodation near the campus for their temporary stay while at Mangalore. This may lead to misuse by their ward and the Management strictly advices the parents to follow this regulation.
The fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Please also note that, should you withdraw from the program prematurely i.e., before completion of the said program, you are required to pay the balance of the tuition fee for the entire program before you are allowed to withdraw from our College.